Estimating Heritability using the Classical Twin Study: Part 1

My first blog post was an introduction to heritability.

At the end of the post I promised I would do another post on exactly how to estimate heritability. This post is the answer to that promise.

This is the post I wish I found when I first googled “How to do a Twin Study” a few years ago. Continue reading “Estimating Heritability using the Classical Twin Study: Part 1”

ADHD – probing the controversy

A bit of a background…

So I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, and then again in high school. By diagnosed, I mean I took a trip to the big apple (Brisbane, Qld) for aptitude tests, interviews and an electroencephalography; the works. I was prescribed Ritalin (methylphenidate) in high school. Continue reading “ADHD – probing the controversy”